Monday, January 19, 2015

Withdraw Attention from Pseudo “Problems”

I know of your desire for true freedom, and therefore point out that your questioning must be aimed at what you believe freedom to be.

Think awhile on what seems to attract so much attention in the world. You seem preoccupied with bodies, environment, food, clothing, shelter, entertainment, competition, betterment, pleasure, attack, economic advancement, education, and striving for progress or destruction in a variety of ways. These pursuits leave the mind mired in an unnaturally stressful state that is highly busy and exceptionally unproductive.

What am I doing here? What is the purpose of any of this? Often these questions will get brushed aside by all the things you think you have to do. It is like all the “practical things” get in the way of starting to investigate these questions. The ego would have us keep those questions out of mind, because the more we start to go into the mind, the more we begin to question the beliefs that this world is built upon.

The world is a mirror of the thoughts you think you think and the identity you think you are.  You have identified yourself with the body and therefore see yourself as temporary and transitory. How can there be consistency and stability at all if your identity is in constant flux and change? And this self-concept, this “identity,” seems to change and be as unstable as the things with which it has surrounded itself. No stability is possible in an impossible situation, and this world of time and space is just that- an impossible situation.

Every day the deceived and untrained mind concerns itself with survival of the body, and the state of this mind often seems stressed and at times angry, fearful, and guilty. Though theses conditions of mind are illusions, they seem very real to a mind that believes in them.

Call forth the willingness to watch your mind for ego thoughts and let them go. It takes practice and sustained willingness to be so very attentive to the mind, that you withdraw attention from pseudo “problems” that the ego set up as distractions to peace.

A free mind is one that no longer sees itself as in a body. Let go of the belief that you are confined to a body. Let go of the belief that you have a past or a future. Only the mind can be freed and it can only be freed through the peace of forgiveness. As you answer the Call to Awaken and be glad, the Purpose of forgiveness is strengthened in awareness and the need for the concerns and the dramas surrounding the body fade away.

God is your only need. A heart made free of the pursuit of idols is a Heart which loves the Lord Thy God with all Its Being. 

Perhaps you are willing to accept even death to deny your Father. Yet He would not have it so, and so it is not so. You still cannot will against Him, and that is why you have no control over the world you made. Yet this world is only in the mind of its maker. Do not believe it is outside yourself, for only by recognizing where it is will you gain control over it. For you do have control over your mind since the mind is the mechanism of decision.

The linear time-space cosmos is a game. The game is in the mind. The game cannot be forgiven or observed correctly until you realize that the game is in the mind. Economics are therefore in your mind. Sexuality is in the mind. War is in the mind. Competition, attack, defense, education, entertainment, pleasure, suffering, bodies, striving, etc. are all games that the sleeping mind is toying with. The game of time-space is only a game in the mind and has no reality whatsoever.

The only thing necessary to be free of the linear time-space game is to stop playing the game and trust the Holy Spirit for absolutely everything. Turning something over to the Holy Spirit is a leap of faith that lets go of the attempt to manage the body and the world, which is the insane attempt to maintain a self-concept image that God did not create.

Dedicate your “life” to experiencing the peace that passeth the understanding of the world. Drama is replaced by Certainty, striving is replaced by rest, depression and boredom are replaced by joy and freedom; loneliness is replaced by intimacy of shared Purpose; and you are happily in Love with God and everything and everyone.

A mistake is not a reason to give up hope in your mind-training, and neither is a seeming series of mistakes. Release all past mistakes to the Holy Spirit and come again with an open heart to the Present Moment of Innocence. I will meet you there. We have a date! It is wonderful, I assure you. You will not regret keeping this appointment.

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