Sunday, November 10, 2013

Continued: Ideas from "Disappearance of the Universe"

I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but I have to make certain controversial statements because there’s not exactly an oversupply of people in our society who are willing to point these things out.

It should be self-evident that if there is only oneness, then anything else that appears to exist must have been made up. The Gnostics and some early Christians called the world a dream; the Hindus call it maya and the Buddhists call it anicca, all meaning pretty much the same thing: The world is just an insignificant dream. But most people aren’t ready to accept such an idea, because their contrary experience is so strong. Even still it should be stressed that knowing the world is an illusion is not enough. If you don’t know the purpose of the dream and how to reinterpret the images you are seeing, then the general teaching that the world is an illusion is of very limited value.

Pure non-dualism recognizes the authority of God so completely that it relinquishes all psychological attachment to anything that is not God. This attitude also recognizes what some people have called the “like from like” principle, which says that anything coming from God must be like Him. Pure non-dualism is not willing to compromise on this principle either. Rather, it says that anything that comes from God must be exactly like Him. God could not create anything that is not perfect or else He wouldn’t be perfect. The logic of that is flawless. If God is perfect and eternal, then by definition anything He creates would also have to be perfect and eternal.

Since there is obviously nothing in this world that is perfect and eternal, we are able to see the world for what it is—nothing.

A prerequisite of gaining the power and peace of the Heaven is to give up your own pseudo-power and your own rather precarious kingdom. How can you give up your miscreations if you believe they are God’s Will? And how can you relinquish your weakness if you believe it is strength?

You’ve got to be willing to surrender the idea of Authorship to God if you want to be able to share in your real power. Humility is the way—not a false humility that says you are inadequate, but a real humility that simply says God is your only Source. You will realize that except for His Love you need nothing, and he who needs nothing can be trusted with everything.

So when Jesus made statements like, “Of myself I can do nothing,” and “I and the Father are one,” he wasn’t claiming any kind of specialness for himself. In fact, he was giving up any specialness, individuality, or authorship and accepting his true strength—the power of God. As far as Jesus was concerned, there was no Jesus, and eventually there wasn’t. His reality was now that of pure spirit and outside of the illusion completely. This reality is also completely outside of the mind that made the false universe, a mind that people mistake for the home of their true oneness. Jesus knew that the miscreation of the universe didn’t have anything to do with the truth. His identity was with God and nothing else.

And there you have the number one reason why the thinking of the world and the thinking of pure non-dualism are mutually exclusive—because reality is you are not a body, and the world’s thinking is completely based upon an identification with the body as your reality. Even those of you who glance past the body still maintain the idea of an individual existence, which is actually little different than having a body. In fact, it is with this idea of separation, and all that arises from it, that you sentence yourself to continue in the universe of bodies.

Instead, do not acknowledge differences and accept each person’s reality as spirit, which cannot be limited in any way. Treat each body the same— as though it doesn’t exist. Then you will be able to look completely past it to the true light of unchangeable and immortal spirit that is the one reality of us all.

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