Saturday, November 23, 2013

Words Which Will Help Facilitate The Disappearance of the Universe

Indeed, being more seemingly awake in the dream is what passes for enlightenment among very many. You can teach a dog to be more alert and impressive and to live its so-called life to the fullest, and almost any human can be taught to raise his consciousness. You can always be taught to approach the dream with a clever thought pattern in an attempt to bring about something more, different or better. Such exercises may temporarily make you feel better, but you’re still building your house upon the sand.

I’m not opposed to you making your life better, but I’m more concerned with your Source of guidance than about the guidance itself. Right now, you believe that certain things have to happen in the world in order for you to be happy. As you gain the peace of God, it will eventually result in the ability to reclaim your natural state of joy regardless of what appears to be happening in the world.

The real goal isn’t dressing up your life; it’s about awakening from what you think is your life! Then you’re building your house upon the rock. The message isn’t about fixing up the world. When your body appears to die, what are you going to do with what you believe is the world? As far as the world is concerned, you can dress it up, but you can’t take it anywhere.

There’s nothing in your universe that doesn’t follow the pattern of decay and death, and there’s nothing here that can seemingly live without something else dying. Your world is quite impressive until you learn to Really look. But people don’t want to really look, not just because it isn’t a pretty picture, but because the world is meant to cover over an unconscious thought system that governs their lives but which they are not consciously aware of.

You will learn that babies are not born with a clean slate or a natural tendency to focus on love and are then corrupted by the world, and you will find that if you are to return to God then you have some work to do—not work in the world, but with your thoughts.

Your good times in this world are good only in comparison to the bad times. The comparison isn’t a valid one, because both the seemingly good times and the bad times are not  Heaven. You will eventually learn that it’s all a trick, that your perception—something you value very highly—is simply lying to you. You wouldn’t listen to your unconscious thought system if it didn’t hide itself and lie to you, because it’s so seemingly despicable, and listening to it is so painful, that you’d run away from it if you could really examine it. A Course in Miracles can help you examine it. It can show you a way to make your unconscious mind conscious to a degree that Freud could not have imagined. 

A Course in Miracles does not claim to be superior to any other spiritual path, yet at the same time it doesn’t make any secret about the fact that it is ultimately, absolutely necessary for you to learn it. The Course is required because it expresses the truth. I’m sorry if that sounds arrogant. It doesn’t mean that the Course is the only way for anyone to ever find the truth. The truth is an awareness—not a book. But you can’t find this awareness alone. Can a sick mind heal itself? On the level of the world, the answer is no. You need help. You need the miracle.

Perhaps the most overlooked error of all religions and philosophies, including the New Age models, is the failure to understand that although doing things like thinking positively, being “in the now,” saying prayers, affirmations, denying negative thoughts, and listening to famous speakers may have a temporarily helpful impact, they cannot release that which is locked in the deep canyons of your unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind, which you are completely oblivious of or else it wouldn’t be unconscious, is under the domination of a sick thought system that is shared on both a collective and individual level by everyone who comes to the false universe—or else they wouldn’t have come here in the first place.

 This will remain the case until your thoughts are examined, correctly forgiven, released to the Holy Spirit, and replaced by His thinking instead. Until then your hidden beliefs will continue to dominate and assert themselves in a predetermined way. The world is merely acting out a symbolic scenario that each one here agreed to participate in before they ever appeared to arrive.

Heaven does not exist within the realm of perception, but is the genuine form of life that you will eventually become completely aware of.

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