Monday, December 16, 2013

Absolute Truth

With twoness you have interaction and conflict, but with genuine oneness there can be only God, who has no parts. God is, and there is nothing else to be aware of. How does it feel to know the absolute truth?

Heaven is real oneness, unlike the idea of being one with the universe, or even one with the mind that is outside of time and space. Those ideas are still seemingly outside of God. With true oneness there is only God, and there cannot ever be anything else. That’s why no compromise on this idea is possible. The Course’s idea of God is as lofty as it can possibly be, because it is the truth. Oneness cannot be perfect if there is anything else to be aware of.

In Heaven there are no obstacles and it’s joyous; where on earth, what is referred to as life is little more than a constant obstacle course. Of course you never really left Heaven, because you can’t help but be safe in God no matter what you’re dreaming. When the entire Sonship is ready, then God will give His Last Judgment.

This is God’s Final Judgment: “You are still My holy Son, forever innocent, forever loving and forever loved, as limitless as your Creator, and completely changeless and forever pure. Therefore awaken and return to Me. I am your Father and you are My Son.”

Extend the same forgiveness to your brothers and sisters that God extends to you. That’s how you make it yours. When you see your brothers and sisters as innocent like you are, then that is the miracle. When everyone has completed their forgiveness lessons, God Himself will take the last step and welcome the collective prodigal Son home into the oneness that you have never truly left.

The time will come when each seemingly separated mind has attained its enlightenment or resurrection. When everyone—not every body, mind you—but every mind that has dreamed thousands of lifetimes has reached this state of awakening from the dream that is the Second Coming of Christ.

It’s a question of how fast you want to get to where you’re going. Why delay yourself? It’s like people who waste their lives fighting the battle of “good versus evil,” when what they’re really seeing out there in the world is merely symbolic of the conflict between right-mindedness or good, and wrong-mindedness or evil, that is occurring within their own split minds. Save your airfare and forgive. You’ll get to Heaven a thousand times faster in the process.

After you forgive, if you feel guided by the Holy Spirit to have a job aiding people in the world, go right ahead. While you’re doing it, you can continue to practice forgiveness at the same time. Your split mind is being forgiven and healed by the highest part of your mind, where the Holy Spirit dwells.
You have to forgive and make your progress now. Heaven is not a reward that is bestowed on you by an outside force for good behavior or clever metaphysical musings. The symbols that give you your opportunities for enlightenment are all around you—if you accept the Holy Spirit as your Teacher in forgiveness. If you don’t, you’re not going to find enlightenment somewhere on the other side afterwards.

People either hear or find out for themselves how beautiful the near-death experience can be, but they don’t understand that it’s temporarily beautiful only in comparison to life in the body. When you are free of all the body’s pain and restrictions and become temporarily aware of the larger split mind, it can be awe-inspiring.

What happens is that the awe eventually wears off because the unconscious guilt that is still within the mind starts to catch up with you. This causes you to reincarnate as a way of escaping your guilt and your fear of God. This always happens to you eventually, unless your mind has been completely healed by the Holy Spirit.

When you’re enlightened, you will completely awaken from the dream. Even though you’ll still appear to be in a body, you’ll see what the Course refers to as the real world. You will only “see” it when you have completely forgiven the world, because the real world has no projections of unconscious guilt upon it. You’ll see only innocence everywhere, because it’s your own innocence—the innocence of Christ. That is what Jesus saw, and what he teaches you now to see.

The Course is directed toward the experience of true oneness, which can be summed up in just two words—two words that do indeed express the absolute truth. God is

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