Saturday, November 30, 2013

R.A.P's Making of the Universe

There is no statement that the world is more afraid to hear than this:

 I do not know the thing I am, and therefore do not know what I am doing, where I am, or how to look upon the world or on myself.

Yet in this learning is salvation born. And What you are will tell you of Itself.

Let’s talk about what you are and where you came from, and then you can decide how quickly you want to get to where you’re going.

Symbols cannot really express what appeared to happen just before the making of the universe. The magnitude of the trans-temporal mind is much too great to capture with words. We can however, give you a glimpse of what’s really behind the so-called fall of man, and what many have called original sin. We can tell you what it was that resulted in the event you refer to as the Big Bang. No scientist will ever be able to trace anything back before that, except in theory. But it is possible to remember the very beginning—and to change your mind about it. It’s not necessary, however, for you to remember the very beginning now, because you will really change your mind by forgiving the symbols of this beginning. Thus your salvation always has and always will depend on decisions you are making right now.

Before the beginning, there were no beginnings or endings; there was only the eternal Always, which is still there—and always shall be. There was only an awareness of unflawed oneness, and this oneness was so complete, so awe-striking and unlimited in its joyous extension that it would be impossible for anything to be aware of something else that was not Itself. There was and is only God in this reality—which we will refer to as Heaven.

What God creates in His extension of Himself is called Christ. But Christ is not in any way separate or different than God. It is exactly the same. Christ is not a part of God. It is an extension of the whole. Real Love must be shared, and the perfect Love that is shared in God’s Universe is beyond all human comprehension. Humans appear to be part of the whole, but Christ is all of it. The only possible distinction between Christ and God—if a distinction was possible—would be that God created Christ; He is the Author. Christ did not create God or Itself. Because of their perfect oneness, this doesn’t really matter in Heaven. God has created Christ to be exactly like God, and to share His eternal Love and joy in a state of unencumbered, boundless and unimaginable ecstasy.

Unlike the concrete, specific world you appear to be in now, this constant and enthralling state of awareness is completely abstract, eternal, unchanging and united. Christ then extends Itself by creating new Creations, or simultaneous extensions of the whole, which are also exactly the same in their perfect oneness with God and Christ. Thus Christ, like God, also creates—because It is exactly the same as God. These extensions do not go inward or outward, because in Heaven there is no concept of space; there is only everywhere. The result of all this is the endless sharing of perfect Love, which is beyond understanding.

Then something appears to happen which, as in a dream, doesn’t really happen—it just appears to. For just an instant, for just one, inconsequential fraction of a nanosecond, a very small aspect of Christ appears to have an idea that is not shared by God. It’s kind of a “What if?” idea. It’s like an innocent wondering in the form of a question—which unfortunately is followed by an apparent answer. The question, if it could be put into words was, “What would it be like if I were to go off and play on my own?” Like a naïve child playing with matches who burns down the house, you would have been much happier not  to find out the answer to that question—for your state of innocence is about to be seemingly replaced by a state of fear and the erroneous, vicious defenses that this condition appears to require.

Because your idea is not of God, He does not respond to it. To respond to it would be to give it reality. If God Himself were to acknowledge anything except the idea of perfect oneness, then there would no longer Be perfect oneness. There would no longer be a perfect state of Heaven for you to return to. As we will see, you never really left anyway. You’re still there, but you have entered into a nightmare state of illusion. While you have traveled only in dreams, God and Christ, Who are always One, have continued as they always did and always will—completely unaffected by the “tiny, mad idea…” of separation.

In this cosmic instant of seeming individuality—and no matter how attractive you may think individuality is, it is nothing but separation—there seems to be a tiny aspect of Christ that is now aware of something else. That is duality. Now, instead of oneness, you have twoness. Before, there was the perfect oneness of Heaven and nothing else. That is non-duality, or non-twoness and that is still reality.

There is not really more than one thing, but now something different seems to be going on for you. There seems to be God and something else. That is the illusion of duality, and the world of multiplicity and the endless subjects and objects you perceive in it are merely symbolic of separation.

While you may still try to create, you cannot really create without the power of God, so everything you make eventually falls apart. Being without the power of God, all your mind can do is seemingly divide and subdivide and then attempt to glorify the result.

But the fail-safe memory of what you really are can never be lost, making an awakening to the reality of Heaven completely inevitable. However, this memory can be seemingly delayed by unwise choices in the dream. Unwise choices have been made by you all along. You have the power to choose the memory and strength of God or something else instead, and if you really examine your thoughts you will find that you are usually choosing something else instead. That is what the part of your mind that chooses did immediately after the seeming separation. Out of shock, fear and confusion it made a series of unwise choices that resulted in you appearing to be here. You still don’t realize that given the awesome power of the mind, certain choices made by you could end the seeming separation—and could have at any time.

The idea of separation, as well as your subsequent decisions, are things that God is totally unconcerned about because you are really still safe in Heaven, and because what you are seeing is not true. You are not really able to hurt yourself—even if you dream you are being hurt or even killed. God does not create anything that is not the perfect oneness of Heaven. Everything else is your own nightmare, and does not exist.

You are at home in God, dreaming of exile but perfectly capable of awakening to reality.

"I remember that there are men imprisoned in a cave, chained so tightly they can’t move enough to turn their heads or even their eyes. All they can see is the wall of this cave in front of them. They’ve been there so long it’s all they can remember; it’s all they know. They can see these shadows on the wall in front of them and hear some sound. Because it’s all they know, they think that what they’re looking at is reality. It’s all pretty dismal, but they’re so used to it they think it’s normal and they’ve become sort of comfortable with it.

Finally, one of the prisoners manages to break free, and he’s able to turn around and see that he’s in a cave. He can also see some light coming from the direction of the entrance. It takes a long time for his eyes to be able to stand the light, but when he makes it to the entrance he can see people walking by on the road outside, and it’s their shadows that are being cast onto the wall inside the cave.

Realizing the prisoners inside the cave can’t see that what they’re looking at is untrue, the freed prisoner goes back and tries to share his knowledge with them. They’re so used to their own way of thinking, that they don’t really want to hear what the free one has to say. In fact, it’s just the opposite. They want to kill him. It’s like what you’ve been telling me: People may think  they want to be free, but they’re not really willing to give up their own way of looking at things."

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Anything that Appears to Take on a Form is Symbolic

The opposite of God is anything that is not God, but what is all-encompassing—God—cannot have an opposite. If God is perfect Love, then He is not anything else, and neither are you. You are, in fact, the Love of God, and your real life is with Him. You will come to know and experience that God is not outside of you. You will no longer identify yourself with a vulnerable body or anything else that can be limited. You will learn instead of your true reality as pure spirit that is invulnerable forever.

The meaning of love cannot be taught or learned. Love will take care of Itself. Your job is to learn how to remove the blocks to your awareness of love’s presence, along with the Holy Spirit. The Voice for God, which I will refer to as the Holy Spirit, is still with you to remind you of the truth and call you to return.

One way the Holy Spirit will awaken you is to teach you that what you think is happening is not  happening. Although your experience of this world appears to be very real, reality is your eternal and unalterable spirit and it cannot be the slightest bit threatened. Anything and everything else does exist at all in reality has been produced by a deep, hidden need to project thought. Energy is nothing but projected thought. Anything that can be perceived or observed in any way,  even measured scientifically, is idle, miscreated thought. 

Make no mistake; in order to really accept God’s helper, the Holy Spirit, you must begin to trust God. You cannot trust Him until you recognize that He is not responsible for your experiences, your thoughts are. God could not have created this world. It would not be in His nature. God is not cruel. The events in the world are of no consequence, simply because they are not really happening. 

You’ll be learning more about this situation, and you’ll realize exactly why insane actions such as genocide are a routine part of the story of man’s inhumanity toward man. You’ll also learn that true forgiveness is the only way to break the pattern.

The thought system of true forgiveness says everyone in the world, including you, is equally innocent because what you are seeing is not true. If your reality is pure invulnerable spirit, it is also the true reality of everyone. Everyone, no matter what, is totally innocent. 

You will gradually learn that what you once thought of as sin, attack, guilt, and separation are really something else. You don’t have to accept the idea that everyone is completely innocent, or any of the other Course ideas, right away. But you’ll see as you go along that forgiveness is immeasurably good for you, not just the people you are forgiving.

It will be extraordinarily helpful because the application of true forgiveness will lead you to genuine happiness, peace—and eventually Heaven.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Words Which Will Help Facilitate The Disappearance of the Universe

Indeed, being more seemingly awake in the dream is what passes for enlightenment among very many. You can teach a dog to be more alert and impressive and to live its so-called life to the fullest, and almost any human can be taught to raise his consciousness. You can always be taught to approach the dream with a clever thought pattern in an attempt to bring about something more, different or better. Such exercises may temporarily make you feel better, but you’re still building your house upon the sand.

I’m not opposed to you making your life better, but I’m more concerned with your Source of guidance than about the guidance itself. Right now, you believe that certain things have to happen in the world in order for you to be happy. As you gain the peace of God, it will eventually result in the ability to reclaim your natural state of joy regardless of what appears to be happening in the world.

The real goal isn’t dressing up your life; it’s about awakening from what you think is your life! Then you’re building your house upon the rock. The message isn’t about fixing up the world. When your body appears to die, what are you going to do with what you believe is the world? As far as the world is concerned, you can dress it up, but you can’t take it anywhere.

There’s nothing in your universe that doesn’t follow the pattern of decay and death, and there’s nothing here that can seemingly live without something else dying. Your world is quite impressive until you learn to Really look. But people don’t want to really look, not just because it isn’t a pretty picture, but because the world is meant to cover over an unconscious thought system that governs their lives but which they are not consciously aware of.

You will learn that babies are not born with a clean slate or a natural tendency to focus on love and are then corrupted by the world, and you will find that if you are to return to God then you have some work to do—not work in the world, but with your thoughts.

Your good times in this world are good only in comparison to the bad times. The comparison isn’t a valid one, because both the seemingly good times and the bad times are not  Heaven. You will eventually learn that it’s all a trick, that your perception—something you value very highly—is simply lying to you. You wouldn’t listen to your unconscious thought system if it didn’t hide itself and lie to you, because it’s so seemingly despicable, and listening to it is so painful, that you’d run away from it if you could really examine it. A Course in Miracles can help you examine it. It can show you a way to make your unconscious mind conscious to a degree that Freud could not have imagined. 

A Course in Miracles does not claim to be superior to any other spiritual path, yet at the same time it doesn’t make any secret about the fact that it is ultimately, absolutely necessary for you to learn it. The Course is required because it expresses the truth. I’m sorry if that sounds arrogant. It doesn’t mean that the Course is the only way for anyone to ever find the truth. The truth is an awareness—not a book. But you can’t find this awareness alone. Can a sick mind heal itself? On the level of the world, the answer is no. You need help. You need the miracle.

Perhaps the most overlooked error of all religions and philosophies, including the New Age models, is the failure to understand that although doing things like thinking positively, being “in the now,” saying prayers, affirmations, denying negative thoughts, and listening to famous speakers may have a temporarily helpful impact, they cannot release that which is locked in the deep canyons of your unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind, which you are completely oblivious of or else it wouldn’t be unconscious, is under the domination of a sick thought system that is shared on both a collective and individual level by everyone who comes to the false universe—or else they wouldn’t have come here in the first place.

 This will remain the case until your thoughts are examined, correctly forgiven, released to the Holy Spirit, and replaced by His thinking instead. Until then your hidden beliefs will continue to dominate and assert themselves in a predetermined way. The world is merely acting out a symbolic scenario that each one here agreed to participate in before they ever appeared to arrive.

Heaven does not exist within the realm of perception, but is the genuine form of life that you will eventually become completely aware of.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

It Won’t Be Because You Weren’t Told: Continued Ideas from Disappearance Of The Universe

Right now, there is a spiritual document that comes as close as anything possibly can to expressing Jesus’ actual message. This teaching, known as A Course in Miracles, is not designed to bring forth yet another organization obsessed with changing a world of dreams instead of the mind of the dreamer.

Jesus of A Course in Miracles is not the same as the version of Jesus in Christianity, and the two thought systems are not compatible. For Christianity, their suffering image of Jesus the body is extra special. He is different than you in the sense that he alone is God’s only begotten Son. But the Jesus of A Course in Miracles informs you that because you and he are one, then you are equally God’s only begotten Son or Christ —not any different than him—and furthermore, you can eventually experience this.

Most people believe God created a flawed world with imperfect people who are capable of making mistakes. They completely overlook the logic that for God to create the imperfect must either mean that He Himself was imperfect or He deliberately made those who were so they could screw up, be punished by Him, and suffer here on psycho planet. 

The earth is not a place of perfection. Indeed, it is designed to be a place where true perfection is impossible. You think the universe is evolving into perfection. That idea is false. The universe is set up to look like it’s doing that, but it’s really just spinning its wheels—repeating the same patterns over and over in different forms. It’s a trick you’ll catch on to.

Everybody is trying to find and express their truth. Their so-called truth is actually designed to keep them stuck where they are. What Jesus is teaching in his Course is that the truth is not different for everyone. It is not  relative. He’s saying the truth is the truth whether you understand and agree with it or not. The truth is not subject to your interpretation, and neither is his Course.

The Course explains the Holy Spirit is the Voice for God Who is always with you. And, as you will eventually experience, it was also symbolic of what you really are. God’s Son, or Christ, is not a man or a woman; He is your reality. And you are not a person—you just experience that you are. It is at the level of your experience that your training must take place, but you will be led beyond your present experience. You will become Christ—and be one with all of true Creation. The awareness of your oneness with the Presence of God is yours because God gave it to you. You have forgotten it. Yet it is still there, buried in your mind. There is a way to remember. And by remembering, you will reclaim what you really are and where you really belong. 

Inner peace and true strength are major goals of A Course in Miracles, but it has a unique way of accomplishing this within you. It is a self - study, one-on-one metamorphosis into Christ that is done at the level of the mind between you and Jesus, or you and the Holy Spirit, if you prefer to think of it that way. Either one will do. The only difference between the Holy Spirit and Jesus is that one is abstract and the other is specific. They’re really the same, and your work will be done in your mind along with Them.

The Course is about the healing of your unconscious guilt by the Holy Spirit and your return to Heaven through the dynamic of forgiveness, which harnesses the tremendous power of your mind’s ability to choose. The Course is a mental process, not a physical one. Eventually you’ll understand that everything is a mental process and not a physical one.The world will change as a result of it, but that is not what the Course is for. It is for you. It’s a present. But it is also a challenge. You will sometimes hear people say that the Course is simple, but you will seldom hear anyone say it is easy.

A Course in Miracles is not meant to be the handbook of a religion or a code of moral behavior. It is a system of thought proposing that if you take care of the mind, all else will follow naturally.

This is a lifelong spiritual path for people who are serious about wanting to break free from the world and go home. That doesn’t mean you always have to take things seriously. If anything, the Course is saying that the world cannot  be taken seriously.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Continued: Ideas from "Disappearance of the Universe"

I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but I have to make certain controversial statements because there’s not exactly an oversupply of people in our society who are willing to point these things out.

It should be self-evident that if there is only oneness, then anything else that appears to exist must have been made up. The Gnostics and some early Christians called the world a dream; the Hindus call it maya and the Buddhists call it anicca, all meaning pretty much the same thing: The world is just an insignificant dream. But most people aren’t ready to accept such an idea, because their contrary experience is so strong. Even still it should be stressed that knowing the world is an illusion is not enough. If you don’t know the purpose of the dream and how to reinterpret the images you are seeing, then the general teaching that the world is an illusion is of very limited value.

Pure non-dualism recognizes the authority of God so completely that it relinquishes all psychological attachment to anything that is not God. This attitude also recognizes what some people have called the “like from like” principle, which says that anything coming from God must be like Him. Pure non-dualism is not willing to compromise on this principle either. Rather, it says that anything that comes from God must be exactly like Him. God could not create anything that is not perfect or else He wouldn’t be perfect. The logic of that is flawless. If God is perfect and eternal, then by definition anything He creates would also have to be perfect and eternal.

Since there is obviously nothing in this world that is perfect and eternal, we are able to see the world for what it is—nothing.

A prerequisite of gaining the power and peace of the Heaven is to give up your own pseudo-power and your own rather precarious kingdom. How can you give up your miscreations if you believe they are God’s Will? And how can you relinquish your weakness if you believe it is strength?

You’ve got to be willing to surrender the idea of Authorship to God if you want to be able to share in your real power. Humility is the way—not a false humility that says you are inadequate, but a real humility that simply says God is your only Source. You will realize that except for His Love you need nothing, and he who needs nothing can be trusted with everything.

So when Jesus made statements like, “Of myself I can do nothing,” and “I and the Father are one,” he wasn’t claiming any kind of specialness for himself. In fact, he was giving up any specialness, individuality, or authorship and accepting his true strength—the power of God. As far as Jesus was concerned, there was no Jesus, and eventually there wasn’t. His reality was now that of pure spirit and outside of the illusion completely. This reality is also completely outside of the mind that made the false universe, a mind that people mistake for the home of their true oneness. Jesus knew that the miscreation of the universe didn’t have anything to do with the truth. His identity was with God and nothing else.

And there you have the number one reason why the thinking of the world and the thinking of pure non-dualism are mutually exclusive—because reality is you are not a body, and the world’s thinking is completely based upon an identification with the body as your reality. Even those of you who glance past the body still maintain the idea of an individual existence, which is actually little different than having a body. In fact, it is with this idea of separation, and all that arises from it, that you sentence yourself to continue in the universe of bodies.

Instead, do not acknowledge differences and accept each person’s reality as spirit, which cannot be limited in any way. Treat each body the same— as though it doesn’t exist. Then you will be able to look completely past it to the true light of unchangeable and immortal spirit that is the one reality of us all.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ideas from "Disappearance of the Universe"

The concept of oneness is hardly an original one. However, the question few people ever ask is: What am I really one with? Most of those who do ask this question would say the answer is oneness with everything transcending time, space, and form. This is the logical and proper extension of non-duality, yet people make the error of assuming the Divine created them and this universe in their present form. That is not true, and it leaves the seeker in a position where even if he masters the mind, he will still not reach oneness in a permanent way. Yes, he will achieve oneness with the mind that made the duality waves, but few have learned to make the distinction between being one with the mind that has seemingly separated itself from God, and being one with God.

Dualism is the condition of almost all of the universe. The mind believes in the domain of subject and object. Conceptually, it would appear to those who believe in God that there are two worlds that are both true: the world of God and the world of man. In the world of man you believe, very practically and objectively, that there is in fact a subject—you—and an object, namely, anything else.

In order for anything to interact, you must have duality. Indeed, without duality there is nothing to interact with. There can be nothing in a mirror without an image that appears to be opposite it, attached to an observer to see it.

Without you to perceive it, the universe is not here, but logic would have to dictate that if the universe is not here, then you are also not here. In order to make the illusion of existence, you must take oneness and seemingly divide it, which is precisely what you’ve done. It’s all a trick.

The universe is really inseparable. You can’t even observe something without causing a change in it on the sub-atomic level. So you can’t really separate one thing from anything else—nor can you separate anything from you. Duality is an illusion and there isn’t really any such thing as a subject and an object.

Even as people realize duality is an illusion, they make the mistake of thinking the illusion was made by God. So they still make the error of attempting to bring legitimacy to the illusion rather than giving it up. You cannot hope to break the cycle of birth and death as long as you maintain this confusion. The unconscious mind goes to such lengths to avoid God that you will either ignore Him, or even more likely you will attempt to devolve non-dualism into dualism.

God did not create duality and He did not create the world. The true Universe is God’s Universe, or Heaven—and Heaven has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the false universe. God didn’t banish you from paradise, and He is not responsible in any way, shape, or form for your experience of being apart from Him.

All of duality is made by mis-thought in the mind. This mind is completely outside the illusion of time and space. But this mind is itself also an illusion. It is, in fact, an imitation of genuine oneness, and there is another step required, where the mind that is the maker of the illusion chooses completely against itself in favor of God.

The universe does not exist, and you don’t exist on any level other than pure spirit. That’s something that practically no one really wants to learn. It’s terrifying to all people on an unconscious level because it means the relinquishment of any individuality or personal identity, now and forever. You don’t even exist in an individual way—not on any level. There is no separated or individual soul. There is no Atman, as the Hindus call it. There is only God.

Today, you and your friends believe in the existence of a trilogy—body, mind, and spirit. The “balance” of all three is important in your philosophy. But you will soon learn instead that the seemingly separated mind, which makes and uses bodies, must choose between the changeless and eternal reality of spirit —which is God and His Kingdom—or the unreal and ever-changing universe of bodies—which includes anything that can be perceived, whether you appear to be in a body or not.

You can’t have both you and God. It’s not possible. You can’t have both your universe and God. The two are mutually exclusive. You’ll have to choose.