Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ideas from "Disappearance of the Universe"

The concept of oneness is hardly an original one. However, the question few people ever ask is: What am I really one with? Most of those who do ask this question would say the answer is oneness with everything transcending time, space, and form. This is the logical and proper extension of non-duality, yet people make the error of assuming the Divine created them and this universe in their present form. That is not true, and it leaves the seeker in a position where even if he masters the mind, he will still not reach oneness in a permanent way. Yes, he will achieve oneness with the mind that made the duality waves, but few have learned to make the distinction between being one with the mind that has seemingly separated itself from God, and being one with God.

Dualism is the condition of almost all of the universe. The mind believes in the domain of subject and object. Conceptually, it would appear to those who believe in God that there are two worlds that are both true: the world of God and the world of man. In the world of man you believe, very practically and objectively, that there is in fact a subject—you—and an object, namely, anything else.

In order for anything to interact, you must have duality. Indeed, without duality there is nothing to interact with. There can be nothing in a mirror without an image that appears to be opposite it, attached to an observer to see it.

Without you to perceive it, the universe is not here, but logic would have to dictate that if the universe is not here, then you are also not here. In order to make the illusion of existence, you must take oneness and seemingly divide it, which is precisely what you’ve done. It’s all a trick.

The universe is really inseparable. You can’t even observe something without causing a change in it on the sub-atomic level. So you can’t really separate one thing from anything else—nor can you separate anything from you. Duality is an illusion and there isn’t really any such thing as a subject and an object.

Even as people realize duality is an illusion, they make the mistake of thinking the illusion was made by God. So they still make the error of attempting to bring legitimacy to the illusion rather than giving it up. You cannot hope to break the cycle of birth and death as long as you maintain this confusion. The unconscious mind goes to such lengths to avoid God that you will either ignore Him, or even more likely you will attempt to devolve non-dualism into dualism.

God did not create duality and He did not create the world. The true Universe is God’s Universe, or Heaven—and Heaven has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the false universe. God didn’t banish you from paradise, and He is not responsible in any way, shape, or form for your experience of being apart from Him.

All of duality is made by mis-thought in the mind. This mind is completely outside the illusion of time and space. But this mind is itself also an illusion. It is, in fact, an imitation of genuine oneness, and there is another step required, where the mind that is the maker of the illusion chooses completely against itself in favor of God.

The universe does not exist, and you don’t exist on any level other than pure spirit. That’s something that practically no one really wants to learn. It’s terrifying to all people on an unconscious level because it means the relinquishment of any individuality or personal identity, now and forever. You don’t even exist in an individual way—not on any level. There is no separated or individual soul. There is no Atman, as the Hindus call it. There is only God.

Today, you and your friends believe in the existence of a trilogy—body, mind, and spirit. The “balance” of all three is important in your philosophy. But you will soon learn instead that the seemingly separated mind, which makes and uses bodies, must choose between the changeless and eternal reality of spirit —which is God and His Kingdom—or the unreal and ever-changing universe of bodies—which includes anything that can be perceived, whether you appear to be in a body or not.

You can’t have both you and God. It’s not possible. You can’t have both your universe and God. The two are mutually exclusive. You’ll have to choose.

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