Monday, December 30, 2013

Our Often Backwards And Uncivilized Nation

The overwhelming majority of people will continue to believe as they always have. They’ll continue to live in denial. They will try to bring God into the world and spiritualize the universe, thinking there is some kind of compassionate intelligence behind what is really a murderous thought. They will see death as part of a “circle of life,” when it is really just a symbol of the great mistake. So they’ll gloss everything over.

Nobody will talk about the fact that half of the homeless and prisoners should be getting treatment in mental institutions, or that more police die by suicide than in the line of duty.

Corporations, through the small print in trade agreements, replace the laws of nations with the decisions of international councils. Its put them in a position where they don’t have to follow the laws of many countries and do not have to pay the money from lawsuits that they lose to individuals, effectively placing them above the law.

In the 20TH century money became more important than people in this country. In the 21ST century, money will become more important than the laws that are passed by our elected officials, who owe the money for their campaigns and thus their elections to these same corporations anyway. Thus the big money will put itself in a position of total authority. The process of legislative democracy, which is already a sham, has become more and more like a professional wrestling match where it’s all for show and the result has already been determined.

In our often backwards and uncivilized nation, about 8,000 of our citizens are killed each year with guns—while in our neighboring country of Canada, only about 100 people are killed with guns. Yet the fanatics in our country who treasure weapons more than people will continue to have their way against the will of the majority, and deny that their clearly insane policies cost thousands of people their lives each year—all while the ego smiles with delight.

More people make money their new god, including those who seek abundance through what they think of as spiritual means. There’s nothing wrong with money, but there’s nothing spiritual about it either—and those who seek God first will find Him first.

Now here’s something you probably didn’t notice about these issues; they are all forgiveness lessons! All of them are somehow connected to bodies, because relationships play into every situation in some way eventually. Not only is it your task to forgive what you see on television or read on the Internet, but it is especially vital for you to forgive the bodies your eyes see as the relationships in your every day life. These people are there for a reason.

Newtonian physics held that objects were real and outside of you with a separate existence. Quantum physics demonstrates that this is not true. The universe is not what you assume it to be; everything that appears to exist is really inseparable thought. You can’t even observe something without causing a change in it on the sub-atomic level. Everything is in your mind, including your own body. As aspects of Buddhism correctly teach, the mind that is thinking everything is one mind, and this mind is completely outside the illusion of time and space. What no philosophy except one teaches is a truth that will seldom be well received by anyone: the fact that this mind is itself also an illusion.

Your life is all in your mind. Your head, your brain, your body, your world, your entire universe, any parallel universes, and anything else that can be perceived are projections of the mind. They are all symbolic of just one thought. One thought made all images appear, because they all represent the same thing in seemingly different forms. 

The universe you see is symbolic of the one thought that you have separated yourself from God—presented in many forms—and you feel secretly terrified and enormously guilty over the separation. The thought of separation from God, or individuality, is symbolized by the ego, and it has been projected seemingly outward from the mind—and you along with it.  On this new level of the world of bodies where the thought of separation has been projected, seemingly outside yourself, the substitute causes of sin, the projected responsibility for guilt and the many imagined reasons for fear of any kind can be found somewhere outside of you—and of course, other people see everything as being outside of them.

If nothing is outside of your mind, then to judge it is to grant it power over you, and to not judge it is to withdraw its power over you. This certainly contributes to the end of your suffering. Even judgment in its most basic form, such as to label something as good or bad, would be to differentiate between things that are actually the same because of their unreality. Thus, it is not really valid to judge anything.

Today, you have two huge religions that are controlled by a reactionary majority, both of which are in competition for the hearts and minds of a world that isn’t there—one religion being the symbol of an empire based on money, and the other religion being the symbol of a government that could possibly engage in nuclear war along with its next-door, equally reactionary Muslim neighbor.

Such antics may be good enough for most of the planet, but they don’t have to be good enough for you. The attitude of non-dualism tells you that what you are seeing is not the truth. If it’s not the truth, then how can you judge it? To judge it is to give it reality. But how can you judge and give reality to that which isn’t there? And if it’s not there, why would you need to acquire it, or fight a war over it, or make it more holy or valuable than something else? How could one piece of land on earth be more important than another? Why would it matter what happens in an illusion, unless you have given the illusion a power it does not and cannot have? How could it matter what result is produced in a particular situation unless you have made a false idol out of the situation?

Do not make the miscreated world psychologically real for yourself. You make it psychologically real for yourself by failing to forgive. The world is not an evil to be despised. It is a perfect opportunity for forgiveness and salvation. Instead of judging the world and everything in it, perhaps it would be more helpful for you to ask what value you saw in making it up in the first place. It may also be wise to ask yourself what would be a more appropriate response to it now.  Rather than resisting the world, look for ways you can use it as a chance to get home.

You don’t have to wait. Your time is at hand, but only if you’re willing to follow the Holy Spirit’s thought system instead of trying to lead the planet on a wild goose chase. You can’t have both you and God. It’s not possible. You can’t have both your universe and God. The two are mutually exclusive. You’ll have to choose.

You may not want to believe this yet, but God does not make demands of people. You think it is God’s will that is being acted out here, but you and the world are wrong about that. It is something else that is being constantly acted out here— namely your seeming separation from God. We want to help you return to your reality with Him.

The seeming interaction between you and God is really an interaction within your own unconscious split mind—between the part of you that has forgotten your reality and the part of your mind where the Holy Spirit dwells. He has never left you. His Voice, which you will learn how to be vigilant for, is your memory of God—your memory of your true home. This Voice represents your long-forgotten reality. Now you must learn how to choose something that you will have tremendous resistance to choosing. You must learn how to choose between the Holy Spirit, Who represents the real you, and the part of your mind that represents the false you. And you will learn how to do it in such a way that your long-imprisoned unconscious mind can finally be freed.

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