Monday, December 23, 2013

It’s Independence Day

You’ve been a robot. But the programmer isn’t somebody else. There isn’t anybody else. We’re talking about self pre-determination. Your fate on this level was sealed by your deal with your ego, not God—who makes no deals.

Your entire ego mind is the programmer that sends signals to your brain. Your brain is just part of the hardware. It forwards the signals telling the body, or computer unit, what to do, see and feel. Changes in the electromagnetic fields even regulate how you see things. To say that something is visible to you simply means that it is situated in the region of the electromagnetic spectrum that is perceptible to human vision.

A whole new level of mind has been made in order for the ego thought system to act itself out through you, without you being aware of it. You’re being used, and you don’t even know it. It’s time for you to start taking your life back—your real life. In order to do that however, you have to know what you’re dealing with.

The ego is quite a piece of work. The thought of separation from God has been projected seemingly outward from the mind—and you along with it. That is how the entire universe, including your body, as well as all other bodies were made. Your experience is that you are here on the computer screen—separate from God, separate from your brothers and your sisters, and acting out the thought of separation and the conflict that goes along with the duality of your split mind. Your brothers and sisters are doing exactly what you want them to do.

Your decisions are not really made by you here. They were made on a totally different level when you agreed to the ego’s plan, and the only way out of the whole can of worms is to return to your right mind and choose the Holy Spirit’s alternative interpretation of what you see instead of your ego’s interpretation, which keeps you trapped in the script.

Inventions on this level usually mimic some aspect of what the mind does. You may think you have free will here and that you can determine what’s going to happen to you, but the truth is it’s all happened already. You’re just playing the tape, watching and listening—thinking it’s all real and a result of your own volition or chance on this level, rather than a set-up from another level.

People are like ghosts, except on a seemingly different level. They think their bodies are alive, but they’re not. They just see what they want to see. That’s why Jesus said, “Let the dead bury their dead.”

Your body seems to be attached to you, but it’s actually outside of you like everything else you perceive. Since everything that appears to be outside of you is equally illusory, your body should be regarded as no more real or important to you than anyone else’s.

People need help in order to find the truth and be led home. They need the Holy Spirit’s Help, but the Holy Spirit also needs your help in the form of your forgiveness of the images you see.

You’re not a robot once you get in touch with your power to choose. It’s independence day. You’ll never be the same once you know how to forgive.

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