Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Declaration of Sovereign Rights

As individuals, we bury our attention in one activity or another, failing to see the whole to which the parts belong.

Institutional structure has become a substitute source of security. And when structure becomes the master, the determining factor, it has gone too far.

Structure has gone to far when government seeks to survive only for its own power and not to serve its people.

Enough is enough when any bureaucracy ceases to serve, and begins to be self-protective and self-enriching. Enough is enough when business is buried under paperwork and has lost its sense of values and production. Enough is enough when school teaches only theory and little about the way life really works.

Structure can serve you if you remember its limitations. Or, it can oppress you if you forget what it is. 

The structure of scientific theory needs to be relaxed if innovative thinking is to occur.  Business structures need to be relaxed if new values are to emerge. People need to have a sense of governing themselves so that responsibility can grow. If respect for ethics is to exist upon the earth there has to be a sense of joy in doing the right thing, rather than fear of punitive action for doing the wrong thing.

In the end, structure will always betray you, because it has to. Structure is mortal. 

For each individual there is a responsibility to know and to honor the difference between indigenous and surrogate power.

Man delegates surrogate power to structure and forces external to himself. But surrogate power always draws its energy from indigenous power. When this rule is respected and openly acknowledged, surrogate power can be an effective extension of authority. Surrogate power can extend man’s influence over the environment, however, when delegated power assumes the rights of indigenous power, it corrupts very quickly. 

The moment surrogate power assumes the rights of indigenous power, corruption begins. Usually this is implemented by the use of force, mandatory conformity, suppression of rights, and dishonesty. In human history, most social hierarchies have relied on conditioning, reward, and punishment for maintaining control over citizens.

Under such oppressive conditions nothing works better than a declaration of sovereign rights held by indigenous power. This is the power of all true liberators.

Your indigenous power lies in being a child of God, in the love that you are, and in your external covenant with the Creator. It is one of your divine and immortal rights to know your Creator. You don’t need a facilitator, and your don’t need someone else’s opinion of God to know rightly. For God is in your heart.

In the course of living you also delegate authority to many self created identities, most especially social, career, and achievement identities. Whenever such identities command and own your life, assuming the rights of indigenous power, then problems will arise.

In the ways of the world, a great deal of energy is spent on judgment which is nothing less than competition for dominance among invented realities. Man’s original sin was judgment. That is the only sin which a pure and innocent soul can commit. The immediate, inevitable, and unavoidable consequence of judgment is separation from the object of your judgment and from God to the degree that the Creator is also part of that which you have judged. Judgments have a way of expanding and multiplying until separation from God becomes a real and monumental problem. A being in separation is unconscious of his Source, and therefore he will endlessly pursue the task of creating himself.

A society which uses law only as a platform for judgment will fall into peril. Law has no validity in itself except through the love in which it is rooted. Love’s power does not replace nor override the workable laws of conduct. Love exposes the reasons for law, replacing enforcement with true enlightenment.

There is no coincidence that excess consumption of meat in the western world is having its heaviest consequence in damage to the physical heart. Second to over consumption, the other great offense against animals is the manner in which they are raised for slaughter in loveless quarters. This is unconscionable and is leaving a bitter legacy. Moreover, the food resulting from it is depleted in every conceivable way.

In many situations where profit is being touted, there really is no true profit—only dollars being shuffled into the accounts of those with the greatest leverage. These are monetary illusions created to secure the positions of those in power, especially under conditions where no true profit has been generated.

True profit benefits all. Illusions can be maintained behind the mask of structure only for a time until necessary demands bring the walls tumbling down. This is true of nations as well as business and individuals.

Mentions of profit are often accompanied by feelings of guilt or jealousy, because the nature of profit is misunderstood. Profit is often associated with economic manipulation, and for such reasons it has come to have a bad name. True profit benefits all, and it is worthy of pursuing, materially and spiritually. As you seek prosperity, do not resent the concept of profit.

Maximum effect for minimum effort does not lead to laziness, but rather it restores a willingness to work. What produces laziness is worn out bodies and rebellious attitudes deploring force-based business and production where there is no true profit and no reward.

A long day of tedious work, followed by chores and duties at home and a restless night of sleep hardly prepares one for a new day with energy and vigor. The last thing anyone wants under such conditions is more work. The answer is not doing more, but taking what you are doing and making it richer.

Express more dimensions of yourself or put more dimensions of yourself into the workplace. Make friends. Explore a learning curve that could enrich your life on other levels. Practice memory, concentration, or social skills. You say this takes energy you don’t have. Actually, this will give you the energy you have lost.

Apply more dimensions of yourself to whatever you do. This recommendation is not for adding to the length of your agenda. It is for enriching it with more transparent overlays for all the things that you are, compressed into the same period of time.

There is a common heart within the oneness of spirit that feels and knows the rightness of all things, which balances and heals in ways that exceed normal understanding. Thus, a man may give to one and receive from another. He may toil in a factory and be rewarded by the love of his children. He may selflessly give of his time to conserve nature and be rewarded by the teachings of life. He may visit the sick and be healed of his own self-pity. He may forgive one man and be forgiven by others.

This is the dimension of cause and effect which cannot be manipulated in selfish ways, for it is activated only by the nature of each person’s love. As you express the love that you are, there is no limit to the blessings which can unfold before you.

This is why I ask you to forgive, to release, and to observe the greater power of grace in order to end your long separation from God, which has made you a captive to the lowest level of reality.

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