How can you teach someone the value of something he has deliberately
thrown away? He must have thrown it away because he did NOT value it.
My trust in you is greater than yours in me at the moment,
but it will not always be that way.
God is NOT partial. All of His children have His total love,
and all of his gifts are given freely to everyone alike. God WOULD be mocked if ANY of his creations
lacked holiness. Creation IS whole. Wholeness corrects for the faulty
perception of lack.
You can’t behave appropriately unless you perceive
accurately. Consider the Golden Rule. You are asked to behave toward others as
you would have them behave toward you. This means that the perception of both
must be accurate.
Since you and your neighbor are equal members of the same
family, as you perceive both, so will you behave toward both. It is impossible
for a Child of God to love his neighbor EXCEPT as himself.
God is not in you; YOU are part of HIM. You may will to
leave Him, but then you have chosen to be in a state of opposition, in which
opposites are possible. As a result, there ARE choices which you must make.
Those who are called on to witness for God NOW are
witnessing for all men, as I am.
When time is abolished, and all of the Sons of God have come
home, no special agents will be necessary. But do not underestimate the power
of special agents now, or the great need there is for them. I do not claim to
be more than that myself. No one in his Right Mind ever wants more or less than
Your mission is very simple.
You have been chosen to live so as to demonstrate that You are NOT an
ego. I do not choose God’s channels wrongly.
Equality does not imply homogeneity NOW. When EVERYONE has
EVERYTHING, individual contributions to the Sonship will no longer be
necessary. When the Atonement has been completed, ALL talents will be shared by
ALL of the Sons of God.
Train yourself to be alert to any tendency to withdraw from
your brothers. As you come closer to a brother, you DO approach God, and as you
withdraw from him He becomes distant to you.
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